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Summer Band 2024

Posted Date: 05/17/2024

Hey Band,

Summer is almost here and a much needed break. We also will begin preparing for our next musical showcase on August 30 against Maud!  We are working on a trip to San Antonio at spring break next year and hopefully another trip to the UIL State Marching Contest!  That being said, there are a few things to think about as we move forward. 


First, incoming freshmen and student leaders will have MANDATORY practice on Thursday July 25 and Friday July 24 from 7:00am to 9:00am. We will work on marching fundamentals during this time and kick start our marching band. 


Second, all band members will have MANDATORY summer band practice July 29 - Aug 2 7:00am to 12:00pm.  We will also have practice August 5 - Aug 9 7:00am to 9:00am. 


Starting August 15 we will begin our Monday and Thursday night practices 6:30pm - 8:30pm at least until marching contests are done. 


Just like athletics, all band practices are mandatory for all students. When practice is missed, students must run/walk one mile, before or after normal practice or class time, to make up the missed athletic activity incorporated with the marching band credit. Missed performances requires 2 miles. 


Attendance by all students to all practices is vitality important for our success. Upper classmen can attest to the fact that missing people at practice cause us to relearn things and takes away the precious little time we have to prepare for performances. 


Third, memorization of music performed on the field is extremely important. We can’t read music and march in a straight line and not run into other people at the same time. Music performed on the field must be memorized. Students will be given music before the school year ends to take home and work on through the summer. June 4,6,11,13,18,20 and July 9,11,16, 18 will be days students may VOLUNTARY come from 9:00am to 11am to work on music/memorization. Any time spent playing in the summer will be exponentially helpful once school starts. 


Lastly, students are required by UIL to have completed and passed a physical by a liscensed physician every two years. Incoming Freshmen and Juniors most likely fall into the category of needing to renew their physical. This must be done before students may participate in performances. So all the work and sweat of practice, without the fun of games and contests.


Students will also be required to fill out many forms on the Rank One app. This is where the district keeps medical information on students in one central location for all UIL events to have access to. This also must be done before students may participate in performances. 


I’m sure there are other things I’m not thinking of at the moment and we will send more information as we think of it. I hope you all have a great summer and I look forward to seeing soon!