Hawkins ISD has an overall rating of 88 out of 100. This measures how much students are learning in each grade and whether or not they are ready for the next grade level. It also shows how our school or district is preparing students for success after high school in collge, the workforce, or the military.
We thank all the students, parents, teachers, administrators, and community members for their support. We are super proud of our Hawks!
To learn more about our state rating, check out this link:
2021-22 School Report Card Elementary
2021-22 School Report Card Secondary
State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness
The STAAR program at grades 3–8 assess the subjects listed below:
At high school, subject-specific assessments will include 5 end-of-course (EOC) assessments: Algebra I, biology, English I, English II, and U.S. history.
STAAR–Alt is an alternate assessment based on alternate academic achievement standards and is designed for students with significant cognitive disabilities who meet the participation requirements. STAAR –Alt is administered in the same grades and subjects as STAAR.
For more information, refer to the special education assessments webpage.
Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System
In response to the federal testing requirement of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, the Texas Education Agency developed an assessment system called TELPAS. This system consists of reading tests and holistically rated assessments of listening, speaking, reading (for K-1 students), and writing. TELPAS is designed to assess the progress that limited English proficient (LEP) students make in learning the English language.
Under NCLB, states’ English language proficiency assessments must assess students annually in kindergarten through twelfth grade in four language domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. TELPAS assesses the following language domains.
Grades 3–12 listening, speaking, writing, reading
The domain of reading in Grades 3–12 is assessed through a multiple choice test. Together, the reading test and the holistically rated listening, speaking, reading and writing assessments provide performance data used to fulfill state and federal reporting requirements. TELPAS reports student performance in terms of four English language proficiency levels: beginning, intermediate, advanced, and advanced high.
TELPAS is administered to all eligible LEP students, including LEP students who do not participate in a bilingual or English as a second language (ESL) program because of a parental denial.
For more information, refer to the TELPAS webpage.